Monday, May 28, 2007


This morning I woke up early and ate early which was nice. Got ready for on the road --- it was raining. Put on all of the rain gear and headed out. I was able to stay dry in spite of the rain and the wind, even my feet, until I came to an old Roman bridge which obviously was not designed for this particular 1000 year rain storm. Water was flowing on both sides of the very dry bridge apex. Thus my feet got soaked and I slogged along. There probably was another way to go around the bridge but I am very tentative about straying from the path. If I got seriously lost with my non existent French I might end an undocumented worker somewhere in France for ever. I am in a nice place out in the country, dry and a happy camper. Now I wait for the telephone conversation with Mary. Getting pretty good on the French keyboard.

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