Wednesday, June 6, 2007

06/06/07 NAVARRENX

Since I have seen a computer the last time I have been to Miramont-Sensacq where I learned that all is not what one sees and one may find out about the French medical system without trying when I stayed in a city Gite there, then to Arzacq-Arraziguet where the nurses from the previous stop were talking at dinner at the gite with about 20 people, then on to Pomps where the German who loved to stay in the Gites made us dinner and considering that he had very little to work with, provided us with a great meal before the German bicycle girls showed up,then on to Maslacq which was a very nice quiet hotel demi-pension, and now in a very old hotel in Navarrenx.
The story back at Miramont-... was that we showed up at the gite first and there was a sign which said that the people who ran it were not there and there was a list of the people who had reservations, and there was no room except for the people who had reserved there. We had reserved and staked out our territory. A little later 2 guys showed up, they also were on the list and they went to the other room and staked out their territory. There were three bunk beds in each room. Then four women showed up and asked us to move so they could all be in our room. We said NO. They went to the other two guys and the next thing we know the guys are in our room. These women were not on the list as we found out later. So we were sitting out in front of the gite sipping some wine when 3 other people showed up. They were on the list and had reservations. However the women were not going to leave and they made that very clear. Just as things began to get dicie, Axel, who I was walking with said that with a little cooperation maybe somehthing could be done. I went up and tried to pick the lock to the upstairs but couldn't do it so I started through the drawers of the desk looking for keys. Finally the keys were found and the upstairs was opened. Problem solved. Oh, forgot to tell you, the place had been fumigated for bed bugs and we couldn't sleep in our sleeping bags and our backpacks had to be in special fumigation sacks. Then the fun really began!, which I will put in the follozing blog.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Dad,
Those women that came to the hotel sounded pretty stuborn! The hotel sounded pretty small to. Since the owner wasn't there, did the women get in free. No one in charge of the hotel seems like things are more relaxed, lose over there than here.
I'm trying to imagine the beauty over there. Is the country just beautiful? Does it look like the nortwest greenery or is it completely different?
Well, I'll talk to you later.
Love Joyce