Friday, June 1, 2007


With the rain comes some interesting observations. Most of the slugs are orange here. They have industrial strength 18 to 20 inch long earth worms. The weather has been iffy but no real serious rain for a number of days now. On the 30th I walked to Nogaro which was my 2nd 20+ kilometer day in a row and I have been having trouble with my upper back. The next day on the way to a little place called Duburry I spent the whole time adjusting all the different parts of my pack and I think, hope, that some of the problem has been solved. We will see. Last night I slept in a dorm room with a German middle school principle - no spell checker- and two of his female teachers, all about ready to retire soon. Very interesting as this is the first time I have done this. And me who has to go to the bathroom about 4 times a night. Well, at least I was in the bottom bunk!
Tonight I am in AIRE-SUR-L'ADOUR after a fairly short walk today It rained off and on but it was mostly just showers and the parts of the trail which are mud were not too slippery. Nice little place, I have counted 4 pharmacies so there are at least 10,000 people being served here. I have a room in a demi-pension hotel tonight! A room all to myself, what small pleasures there are in this life! Dinner served at 7:30 pm. Breakfast at 7:30. I doesn't get much better than that.
By the way, I think I have this figured out a little. You get up in the morning, dress and eat. You walk, you hurt, you eat a little lunch on the road, you go to your sleeping place, you shower, you wash some clothes, you rub the parts that hurt if you can reach them, maybe you take a nap, you worry about where you sleep later, you eat, you sleep, you etc. Life ain't so complicated!


Unknown said...

I've been following your pilgrimage. I'm talking with Dusty right now so I have to go. I'll explain later.
Love Joyce

Unknown said...

Dusty was explaining to me how to use this comment box. We did it by signing up wiwth gmail. That also lets us publish these.
Anyway, your trip sounds very exciting. It's funny you talk about the slugs and eathworms in one of your blogs. The little hotels you stay in sound very communal, if that's what to say.
I'll keep on reading and you keep on truckin', kind of a silly thing to say.
Love Joyce